Our goal is to provide you with legitimate, internet-based work at home, work from home or [on or offline], small business, and home based business opportunities.
Our site has many free resources to help you become among the elite of the self-employed. We offer no hype - just real solutions and ideas for those who are serious about working at home.
Tired of Companies Advertising Work-at-Home scams?
We were too! That's why we started...
" Legitimate Jobs at Home "
Looking for the BEST Information on Home-based employment?
You have honestly come to the right place. We are very proud to be able to welcome you to our website!
It is our pleasure to tell you about our company Legitimate Jobs @ Home [ LJAH ] and its services. "LJAH was established after a well known Telephone Counselor Service folded without informing its Brokers" until it was to late and as a result that left us & hundreds of our employees without employment.
. We decided to research and find work at home jobs to offer, so that work at home employees or small independent companies would always have a concrete resource in finding legitimate work or opportunities. Providing quality research for work-at-home job and opportunity offers. Our Research Team has checked out thousands of companies and came across quite a few scams. The good news is - though we have learned a lot about researching this field and we've gotten pretty good at it. Our dedicated research continues each day. We have been able to find and compile a "select" group of companies that have met our standards to be included in our data base.
It's our Research that really makes the difference!
With a lot of patience, determination and plenty of hard work [trust us on that one] we have been able to find out about companies that meet our legitimate research standards of home-based job offers and income opportunities.
We have compiled all this valuable information into our Work-at-Home Job Information Data base - which we are confident is the best of its kind. LJAH is proud to present this quality employment information, designed especially for our members, which is contained in our work at home, employment, and small business data base.
Our database viewing is strictly for members only, included in our member area are real jobs, opportunity resources, training links, mega job listings, scam reports, weekly job up-dates 365 days a year.
There are a lot of very helpful job / database services that offer memberships, but the fees are so expensive the average job seeker cannot afford it without first obtaining a job! .Free Job searches have too many applicants applying for the same job & limits your position in being hired., remember you are not paying for employment only the resources. We recognize that & set our membership fee [which is the lowest in the industry] to a very low $12.99 registration fee, $12.99 / first day & thereafter $12.99 monthly /subscription fee & you may cancel at any time]. Which makes joining attainable for the job seeker. Our site is set for Serious Job seekers only..